Dallas BMW half marathon

December 10, 2017
My 2nd half marathon , which i had the pleasure to run with daughter.

Main training I did for the first run at the Colony half M , which you can read in one of the previous blogs .

We had about 6 weeks to practice together , mainly early morning before school and on weekends .

The longest practice run was 11 miles last Sunday , which left us a week to recover before the big day.

Dallas BMW marathon is a full weekend  event which you can choose to run 5k  , 10k , Half & full marathon , which was well organized .

The only criticism I have is that for a city event , I  would expected a less costly event for the tax payers. I estimate about 200$  per participant which include registration , parking the day of the event and for the packet pick up.

Great friends to run along with , and Beer at the end is always a good treat , great for recovery .Although I dont consider Coors light as a real  beer  which will be discussed in a future blog .